gradle-home: &gradle-home /work/.gradle
cmd-opts: &cmd-opts
container: jdk
# Some java applications don't allow to run from root e.g. Elasticsearch.
# Uncomment next rows to circumvent such software
# user-id: 1
# external-user-id: 0
prerequisites: [_mk-gradle-cache]
/work/.gradle/caches: !CacheDir gradle-cache
JAVA_HOME: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
GRADLE_USER_HOME: *gradle-home
- !Ubuntu xenial
- !Install
- openjdk-8-jdk-headless
- !EnsureDir /opt/gradle
- !Unzip
url: https://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-4.2.1-bin.zip
subdir: gradle-4.2.1
path: /opt/gradle
- !Sh ln -s /opt/gradle/bin/gradle /usr/local/bin/gradle
# Uncomment if you need kotlin compiler
# - !EnsureDir /opt/kotlinc
# - !Unzip
# url: https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin/releases/download/v1.1.51/kotlin-compiler-1.1.51.zip
# subdir: kotlinc
# path: /opt/kotlinc
# - !Sh ln -s /opt/kotlinc/bin/kotlinc /usr/local/bin/kotlinc
_mk-gradle-cache: !Command
container: jdk
run: mkdir -p $GRADLE_USER_HOME/caches
gradle: !Command
<<: *cmd-opts
description: Runs arbitrary gradle task
run: [gradle]
daemon: !Command
<<: *cmd-opts
description: Runs gradle daemon
run: |
# --foreground option runs a daemon with incompatible jvm options
# so another gradle process rejects to connect to the daemon
gradle --dry-run --daemon
GRADLE_PID=$(pidof java)
echo "Gradle daemon successfully started [PID: $GRADLE_PID]."
while [ -e /proc/$GRADLE_PID ]; do sleep 1; done
run: !Command
<<: *cmd-opts
description: Runs this project as a JVM application
run: [gradle, run]
assemble: !Command
<<: *cmd-opts
description: Assembles the outputs of this project
run: [gradle, assemble]
build: !Command
<<: *cmd-opts
description: Assembles and tests this project
run: [gradle, assemble]
test: !Command
<<: *cmd-opts
description: Runs the unit tests
run: [gradle, test]
check: !Command
<<: *cmd-opts
description: Runs all checks
run: [gradle, test]
compile: !Command
<<: *cmd-opts
description: Compiles all source sets
run: [gradle, classes, -x, processResources]
compile-test: !Command
<<: *cmd-opts
description: Compiles all test source sets
run: [gradle, testClasses, -x, processTestResources]
doc: !Command
<<: *cmd-opts
description: Generates Javadoc API documentation for the main source code
run: [gradle, javadoc]
clean: !Command
<<: *cmd-opts
description: Deletes the build directory
run: [gradle, clean]