Vagga vs Docker

Both products use linux namespaces (a/k/a linux containers) to the work. However, docker requires root privileges to run, and doesn’t allow to make development evironments as easy as vagga.

User Namespaces

As you might noticed that adding user to docker group (if your docker socket is accessed by docker group), is just like giving him a paswordless sudo. This is because root user in docker container is same root that one on host. Also user that can start docker container can mount arbitrary folder in host filesystem into the container (So he can just mount /etc and change /etc/passwd).

Vagga is different as it uses a user namespaces and don’t need any programs running as root or setuid programs or sudo (except systems’ builtin newuidmap/newgidmap if you want more that one user inside a container, but newuidmap setuid binary is very small functionally and safe).

No Central Daemon

Vagga keeps your containers in .vagga dir inside your project. And runs them just like any other command from your shell. I.e. command run with vagga is child of your shell, and if that process is finished or killed, its just done. No need to delete container in some central daemon like docker has (i.e. docker doesn’t always remove containers even when using --rm).

Docker also shares some daemon configuration between different containers even run by different users. There is no such sharing in vagga.

Also not having central daemon shared between users allows us to have a user-defined settings file in $HOME/.config/vagga/.

Children Processes

Running processes as children of current shell has following advantages:

  • You can monitor process and restart when dead (needs polling in docker), in fact there a command type supervise that does it for you)
  • File descriptors may be passed to process
  • Processes/containers may be socket-activated (e.g. using systemd --user)
  • Stdout and stderr streams are just inherited file descriptors, and they are separate (docker mixes the two; it also does expensive copying of the stream from the container to the client using HTTP api)


All files in vagga is kept in .vagga/container_name/ so you can inspect all persistent filesystems easily, without finding cryptic names in some system location, and without sudo

Filesystem Permissions

Docker by default runs programs in container as root. And it’s also a root on the host system. So usually in your development project you get files with root owner. While it’s possible to specify your uid as a user for running a process in container, it’s not possible to do it it portable. I.e. your uid in docker container should have passwd entry. And somebody else may have another uid so must have a different entry in /etc/passwd. Also if some process realy needs to be root inside the container (e.g. it must spawn processes by different users) you just can’t fix it.


In fact you can specify uid without adding a passwd entry, and that works most of the time. Up to the point some utility needs to lookup info about user.

With help of user namespaces Vagga runs programs as a root inside a container, but it looks like your user outside. So all your files in project dir are still owned by you.


While docker has enterprise support, including security updates. Vagga doesn’t have such (yet).

However, Vagga runs nothing with root privileges. So even running root process in guest system it’s at least as secure as running any unprivileged program in host sytem. It also uses chroot and linux namespaces for more isolation. Compare it to docker which doesn’t consider running as root inside a container secure.

You can apply selinux or apparmor rules for both.

Filesystem Redundancy

Vagga creates each container in .vagga as a separate directory. So theoretically it uses more space than layered containers in docker. But if you put that dir on btrfs filesystem you can use bedup to achieve much better redundancy than what docker provides.