
Upgrading 0.3.x -> 0.4.x

The release is focused on migrating from small amount of C code to “unshare” crate and many usability fixes, including ones which have small changes in semantics of configuration. The most important changes:

  • The !Sh command now runs shell with -ex this allows better error reporting (but may change semantics of script for some obscure cases)
  • There is now kill-unresponsive-after setting for !Supervise commands with default value of 2. This means that processes will shut down unconditionally two seconds after Ctrl+C.

See Release Notes and Github for all changes.

Upgrading 0.2.x -> 0.3.x

This upgrade should be seamless. The release is focused on migrating code from pre-1.0 Rust to... well... rust 1.2.0.

Other aspect of code migration is that it uses musl libc. So building vagga from sources is more complex now. (However it’s as easy as previous version if you build with vagga itself, except you need to wait until rust builds for the first time).

Upgrading 0.1.x -> 0.2.x

There are basically two things changed:

  1. The way how containers (images) are built
  2. Differentiation of commands

Building Images

Previously images was build by two parts: builder and provision:

  builder: ubuntu
    repos: universe
    packages: make checkinstall wget git uidmap
  provision: |
    wget https://static.rust-lang.org/dist/rust-0.12.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz
    tar -xf rust-0.12.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz
    cd rust-0.12.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
    ./install.sh --prefix=/usr

Now we have a sequence of steps which perform work as a setup setting:

  - !Ubuntu trusty
  - !UbuntuUniverse ~
  - !TarInstall
    url: http://static.rust-lang.org/dist/rust-1.0.0-alpha-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz
    script: "./install.sh --prefix=/usr"
  - !Install [make, checkinstall, git, uidmap]
  - !Sh "echo Done"

Note the following things:

  • Downloading and unpacking base os is just a step. Usually the first one.
  • Steps are executed sequentially
  • The amount of work at each step is different as well as different level of abstractions
  • The provision thing may be split into several !Sh steps in new vagga

The description of each step is in Reference.

By default uids and gids are set to [0-65535]. This default should be used for all contianers unless you have specific needs.

The tmpfs-volumes key changed for the generic volumes key, see Volumes for more info.

The ensure-dirs feature is now achieved as - !EnsureDir dirname build step.


Previously type of command was differentiated by existence of supervise and command/run key.

Now first kind of command is marked by !Command yaml tag. The command and run differentation is removed. When run is a list it’s treated as a command with arguments, if run is a string then it’s run by shell.

The !Supervise command contains the processes to run in children key.

See reference for more info.

Missing Features

The following features of vagga 0.1 are missing in vagga 0.2. We expect that they were used rarely of at all.

  • Building images by host package manager (builders: debian-debootstrap, debian-simple, arch-simple). The feature is considered too hard to use and depends on the host system too much.
  • Arch and Nix builders. Will be added later. We are not sure if we’ll keep a way to use host-system nix to build nix container.
  • Docker builder. It was simplistic and just PoC. The builder will be added later.
  • Building images without uidmap and properly set /etc/subuid and /etc/subgid. We believe that all systems having CONFIG_USER_NS enabled have subuids either already set up or easy to do.
  • The mutable-dirs settings. Will be replaced by better mechanism.