Network Testing

Usually vagga runs processes in host network namespace. But there is a mode for network testing.


For testing complex networks we leverage !Supervise type of commands to run multiple nodes. But we also need a way to setup network. What we need in particular:

  1. The IPs should be hard-coded (i.e. checked in into version control)
  2. Multiple different projects running simultaneously (and multiple instances of same project as a special case of it)
  3. Containers should be able to access internet if needed

So we use “double-bridging” to get this working, as illustrated below:


The Setup section describes how to setup a gateway in the host system, and Containers section describes how to configure containers in vagga.yaml. And Partitioning section describes how to implement tests which break network and create network partitions of various kinds.


Unfortunately we can’t setup network in fully non-privileged way. So you need to do some preliminary setup. To setup a bridge run:

vagga _create_netns

Running this will show what commands are going to run:

We will run network setup commands with sudo.
You may need to enter your password.

The following commands will be run:
    sudo 'ip' 'link' 'add' 'vagga_guest' 'type' 'veth' 'peer' 'name' 'vagga'
    sudo 'ip' 'link' 'set' 'vagga_guest' 'netns' '16508'
    sudo 'ip' 'addr' 'add' '' 'dev' 'vagga'
    sudo 'sysctl' 'net.ipv4.conf.vagga.route_localnet=1'
    sudo 'mount' '--bind' '/proc/16508/ns/net' '/run/user/1000/vagga/netns'
    sudo 'mount' '--bind' '/proc/16508/ns/user' '/run/user/1000/vagga/userns'

The following iptables rules will be established:
    ["-I", "INPUT", "-i", "vagga", "-d", "", "-j", "ACCEPT"]
    ["-t", "nat", "-I", "PREROUTING", "-p", "tcp", "-i", "vagga", "-d", "", "--dport", "53", "-j", "DNAT", "--to-destination", ""]
    ["-t", "nat", "-I", "PREROUTING", "-p", "udp", "-i", "vagga", "-d", "", "--dport", "53", "-j", "DNAT", "--to-destination", ""]
    ["-t", "nat", "-A", "POSTROUTING", "-s", "", "-j", "MASQUERADE"]

Then immediatelly the commands are run, this will probably request your password by sudo command. The iptables commands may depend on DNS server settings in your resolv.conf.


you can’t just copy these commands and run (or push exact these commands to /etc/sudoers), merely because the pid of the process in mount commands is different each time.

You may see the commands that will be run without running them with --dry-run option:

vagga _create_netns --dry-run

To destroy the created network you can run:

vagga _destroy_netns

This uses sudo too


if you have network attached to your machine, the _create_netns and _destroy_netns may break that network. We will allow to customize the network in future versions of vagga.





There is an article on how the network interface was designed and why.